There are 2 fundamental reasons why we advise you to trust PROMEDIA HOMES if you want to buy a property in Spain

If you want to buy a property in Spain we advise you to contact a real estate agency with long experience in the sector.
- It is imperative that your agents are multilingual so they can communicate with you fluently.
- It is necessary that you have the advice of a trusted professional, who knows the Spanish legal regulations related to the Real Estate Law and who, in addition, can explain to you, in your language, the different procedures that must be carried out.
You have to verify that, by expressing yourself in your language, the real estate agent understands you perfectly and is enthusiastically involved in the search for your ideal home, which meets your needs and requirements.
In PROMEDIA HOMES we have a team of expert real estate agents who will listen to you attentively, because they speak your language fluently, and they will take note of all the characteristics that your home has to possess, thus creating a totally personalized profile of your home.
To buy a property in Spain you have to perform certain procedures that, in many cases, are different from those that are carried out in your country.
If you trust PROMEDIA HOMES to buy a property in Spain, you will pleasantly verify that we offer you an honest and professional service.
For this reason, you can dedicate with tranquility and enthusiasm to choose the home of your dreams on the Costa Blanca while we take care of managing the timely processing or supervising all those steps that you must do personally.
Do not hesitate to ask us all those questions that you do not understand perfectly. We are aware that, perhaps, in your country of origin these procedures are not carried out. We will be happy to explain all your questions kindly.
What aspects can cause you more confusion when buying a property in Spain?
Depending on your country of origin, when buying a property in Spain you will find certain procedures that will turn out, at least, strange because they are not made in your country or vice versa.
For example, in Spain there is no evidence of the presence of lead, asbestos, termites, ... in the resale home that is intended to be acquired, as is the case in France .
Unlike in the United Kingdom , in Spain the seller is penalized who does " gazumping ", that is, when the seller renounces the sale agreement in favor of another different buyer.
In Sweden , on the other hand, it is easier to buy a home than to rent it and, practically, there is no need to process it.
In PROMEDIA HOMES we wanted to make a summary of the points that, generally, cause more difficulties to our clients from other countries who want to buy a property in Spain:
- NIE application : First step to be carried out. It needs a processing period. It is essential for the opening of a Spanish bank account.
- Housing Budget : The purchase price of a home in Spain must be added, approximately, 10% for taxes and fees .
- Notary: In countries like the USA or the United Kingdom does not intervene. It is very important to explain the relevance of the Notary in Spain.
- Property Registry: It is also an unknown figure in many countries and of transcendental importance in Spain.
Enjoy the excitement of moving to live on the Costa Blanca while we manage the purchase of your property in Spain
We hope that with these brief notions we have clarified some of the points that can be more stressful when making the decision to buy a property in Spain.
Do not hesitate to tell us how your ideal home is. We are sure that we have the property of your dreams.
We have an extensive portfolio of properties, including:
- Luxurious villas with wonderful views of the Mediterranean Sea.
- extraordinary townhouses, close to an elite golf course and where to enjoy fun days during the sunny and bright winters.
- unrivaled apartments in front of the beaches with soft golden sands that the Costa Blanca offers.
Do not wait any longer and fill in the contact form that appears on the web or send us an email to and, as soon as possible, we will contact you.
You can also call us at +34 601 223 257. We have a long continuous schedule of customer service.
We will be happy to receive you personally at our offices located in the Los Dolses Shopping Center - Local 183 - Papaya Street - 03189 Villamartín (Orihuela Costa -Alicante).